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You got this girl

You got this girl

Knowing that 2020 is nearly coming to an end, it’s hard not to think what year 2021 holds for us. This year has been devastating as it is. The endless injustices in the world, losing loved ones to COVID-19, unexpected job loss and on top of that battling with our mental health struggles. It’s a lot, I can’t deny that. But the thing I can say is, despite the B.S. that is happening in the world and will continue to happen, we need to have in mind what is important to us. Whether that is spending more time with your family, regularly checking up on your friends or even securing that dream job. We can’t lose sight of our goals in life – you got this girl.

We tend to see on social media the many achievements people have made, especially during this pandemic. But remember, everyone has their own journey and the pace that they are going. Don’t fall into that trap of comparing your life to someone else’s. Coming from experience, it doesn’t do you well. 

The ups and downs

After coming out of university in 2019, I would witness my friends getting their graduate jobs and I would think, ‘rah, am I not good enough?’. As silly as it sounds I was angry at the world, my university and my chosen career (journalism). I would find myself saying, ‘what the f*ck did I spend £27k on?’. It’s easy for us to blame everyone and anything in the world, apart from one being that is the common denominator. Yes, you guessed it, it’s ourselves.

I have come a long way in terms of my way of thinking. Having taken a personal development course last winter until March this year, I’ve learnt not to take people’s comments seriously; to own my faults and to accept people for who they are. Girl, it hasn’t been easy but once you have a new, open-minded way of thinking you start to act and see things differently. 

Using what I learnt from my course, I learnt to stop blaming the world and to work on achieving my personal goals. During lockdown, I knew I wasn’t happy with my current job and wanted to change that. So I did. I consistently sent out my CV to media companies, networked outside my circle and started pushing out my own creative content online. 

All good things come to those who wait

You got this girl

Finally, after a year and six months (I know, mad) I finally got a full-time job in media production! I’m not here to brag at all but for you to see that all good things come to those who wait. I learnt that life is not about sitting around waiting for things to happen but to actively go out in the world and hustle, period! I must say, if it wasn’t for a shift in my mindset I would still be here today, miserable and unmotivated to do anything. 

During lockdown, I even took on new hobbies like reading and watching videos on finance and investment. This pandemic has made me realise that I shouldn’t rely on the state to provide for me financially but to look into different sources of income to help push me towards financial freedom (yes, I’m claiming it into existence for real). 

I even became a crazy plant lady, purchasing different types of plants to make my home feel more airy and home-like. COVID-19 has truly been a blessing in disguise, a curse in the sense of not seeing those closest to me but a blessing that I have been more prepared when it comes to my savings; looking into various routes of earning an income that I would have never thought of doing and shall I say unexpected career opportunities that have come my way. 

I’m sitting on a bad boy piece of information 

I’ve come to the point where I’m ready to give some bad boy a piece of information. Now, this may come to a surprise to you or maybe not, but there is one thing so powerful that we can all use right now. Whether that is getting your dream car, it could be that one job you always wanted, travelling the world or simply to be financially free. Whatever you want (nothing is too big or small), always apply The Law of Attraction to it!

If you haven’t come across this yet, well you are in for a treat. Now I’ve always been a person who believes in God and that our lives have already been written from the day we were born to until we die. But boy, the Law of Attraction is something that once you get the hang of using it, you start to see a real difference in yourself and the people around you. 

If you don’t know already, the Law of Attraction is a belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. So for example, when I was thinking negatively about not getting my dream job or that I’m not capable of being in a relationship, the universe shifted based on my thinking and made damn sure I remained unhappy in my retail job, received rejection emails from other jobs that I applied for, and ended relationships with guys to the point where each relationship I had lasted no more than three months. 

The point I’m trying to make is that our minds are so powerful. We project energies out into the universe and in doing so this is not something to play around with. The trick is to first be grateful for what you already have in your life, imagine positively what you want and speak into existence that you will get it! Trust me, you will realise how quickly things start taking shape for you. After watching The Secret on Netflix I started applying the Law of Attraction and since then the things I have wished for have come true. 

So what now? You got this girl

Well, if there’s anything I want you to take out of this article is to not give up on your goals. I see too many great people, who have lost their passion and motivation in doing what they’ve always wanted to do. I understand it’s scary out here, with all of the judgement and expectations of society but life’s too short not to give it all you got! There is no such thing as failure. Every fall you take you must learn from it and it will lead you one step closer to where you want to be. Focus on yourself, your values and end goal, because guest what? No one can take that away from you. 

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Written by Kia Fullerton

Illustrated by Francesca Mariama