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Girl managing her time

Managing your time: Wish there were more than 24 hours in a day?

As a student or a young working professional, it can be difficult to manage your time accordingly, maintain a healthy social life and still have time for yourself. So how can you make the most of your time whilst studying, working and living your best life? 

1. Wake up early 

Set an alarm to wake up early. Once you’re up, don’t just laze around in bed though. If you write a list of all the important things you’d like to get done in the day, you’re more likely to complete them. 

2. Always plan ahead

Whether its packing your bags the night before or cooking dinner in bulk, planning ahead will help you save heaps of time.

3. Get organised

Create to-do lists, set deadlines and use your calendar accordingly. Calendars are one of the most important tools in managing your time. You can easily schedule meetings, set reminders and create time blocks.

4. Cut off distractions

Another girl trying to manager her time

Get rid of all distractions so your workflow isn’t disrupted. Whether that’s turning off the TV, putting your phone on silent or closing your bedroom door. Ensure you create a separate time slot to check and reply to emails and phone notifications so you can focus on the current task at hand. 

5. Tidy your workspace

An organised workspace goes hand-in-hand in removing distractions. Having a clear mind not only increases productivity but also improves creativity, allowing you to produce high-quality work.

6. Take breaks

Ensure you take regular breaks to recharge your energy and maintain productivity, whether that be stretching, having lunch or resting your eyes. This will allow you to refocus and alleviate any stress or exhaustion.

7. Know when to say NO!

This may sound a bit selfish but you also need time for yourself. If you already have a full-on schedule, then moving that dinner date or saying no to helping a friend with a project can give you time to focus on yourself. You can always make time for others at a later date.

For more tips, click here for our top time management apps.

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Written by Joanna Guzman

Feature image illustrated by Francesca Mariama

Second image illustrated by Jannelli Guzman