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How are you waiting in your waiting room?

How are you waiting in your waiting room?: Make every season count

“You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.” Kate Morton

Ladies, how many times have you attended an engagement party? Celebrated a wedding? Been invited to another baby shower? All of these events would, of course, bring you joy for the person you’re celebrating. But what no one really talks about is the feeling you get when you’re in the same, mundane season in your life, while everyone else continues to hit milestone after milestone. 

Comparison is natural

Celebrating other people’s wins can sometimes be an uphill battle. And if you’re anything like me, you begin to compare the most mundane version of yourself to someone else’s adventurous, edited and scripted self online. However, the majority of our encounters with people is primarily through social media. As a result, we’ll always fall short of their curated online persona. 

Celebrate other people’s wins 

How are you waiting in your waiting room?

But what happens when we’re brought face-to-face to other people’s achievements? 

There was a time when my friend was discussing all the benefits that her new job offered. Quite frankly, it was a position that I was trying to get a promotion in, but somehow, it had slipped through my fingers. I tried so hard to be happy for her but as time went on, I just became bitter.

That should have been my new position.

If I hadn’t given her all those great ideas, that promotion would have been given to me.

Trying to enthusiastically celebrate my friend was a challenge in itself. But I had to learn to acknowledge her season of success authentically. I had to genuinely celebrate her achievements. As I became more intentional, I felt encouraged. Why? Because I still have many seasons to encounter of my own. And when I reach these, I would want my friends to be authentic in celebrating me.

“Celebrate your friend’s victories and accomplishments like they are your own.”

The waiting room

Have you ever been sat anxiously in a waiting room, anticipating the news you’ll receive? Then it’s your turn. You’re no longer in the waiting room but instead faced with the news you were either dreading or looking forward to. Either way, do you ever look back and wish you were still in that waiting room, even if it’s just for a few more minutes?

There is nothing more precious than how you spend your time in each season of your life. It’s not about what you’re doing, but instead, how you’re doing it. Are you fulfilling your time with things that are bettering you as a person? Are you listening to podcasts that are persuading you to take the necessary steps to reach your goal? And, are you spending time with friends and family that encourage and motivate you? 

The way you spend your time is more important than you think. It can shape and influence your mind. So you might as well fill it with positive thoughts whilst you’re sitting in the waiting room, right? Being here can give you a new perspective on life. So, grab the time that you’ve been allotted and use it. No time is a waste of time when you’re using it to your benefit.

“What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting.” Mandy Hale

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Written by Kendra Anderson 

Illustrated by Francesca Mariam