Love at university: The truth about being in a long-term relationship whilst studying When you think of university, you think of late-night partying, meeting strangers in the kebab queue at 3am and making friends for life. But, no
Quality over quantity: Friends, friendship and its many faces The people that we choose to associate ourselves with inevitably shape who we become. This is a life lesson that my mother instilled in me
Preparation for graduation: How to prepare for the big ceremony Graduation can be a daunting day, but preparing for your graduation is what will get you ready. I will be attending my graduation soon and
What to do after university: Where do we go from here? Coming to the final days of any chapter in life always results in a period of reflection and relentless questioning. What have you taken away
Being a university student during a pandemic The global COVID -19 pandemic has affected all walks of life and almost every society in the world. One group of people often overlooked by
Feeling lost after graduating from university: Advice on how to prepare Are you feeling lost after graduating from university? ‘University is supposed to be the best time of your life’. A cliché statement, yes. True? I