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ISTP: The Virtuoso

ISTPs (introverted, observant, thinking, and perceiving) are enthusiastic when it comes to deciphering the physical world. They excel at achieving their goals and are driven by the strong curiosity they possess. ISTPs are inquisitive and this inquisitiveness is shown in their determination to unearth the mysteries in their lives and that they forever seek new adventures and answers. Coupled with their industriousness and the confidence they possess in themselves they are great achievers.


ISTPs are curious to learn how things work and they are driven to find ways to make things work better. They like to learn by doing, so they are happiest when either fixing something up or creating something new. Calm and rational, they can set their feelings aside and spend long hours working in solitude to satisfy their curiosity, learn a new skill, or accomplish a goal. Far more interested in physical reality than philosophical discussions, many famous ISTPs have been scientists, explorers, and inventors.

• They are perpetually occupied with discoveries, inventions, mechanical repairs, and other hands-on projects

• Their conversations are often limited to observations, information, and areas of inquiry

• They are capable of spending the majority of their time in solitude when focusing on a new task

• They are less fussed by social norms, such as dress and small talk in polite conversation


dedicated problem solvers

Driven by the challenge of a seemingly unanswerable question, ISTPs are always seeking out new ways to do things, problems to solve and gadgets to fix. They rarely settle for failure. As tenacious as they are creative, they thoroughly examine each and every detail of a problem until they arrive at a solution. They are not easily deterred by discomfort, danger, or long hours working alone.

curious and observant

ISTPs live in the moment and pay close attention to their surroundings. They are a wealth of useful information and practical knowledge. If they don't have and explanation for how something works, they will figure it out.

calm in a crisis

The life-long practice of setting their emotions aside when solving problems gives ISTPs the ability to face danger without panicking. They are often the first to come up with a solid plan and tackle difficult jobs that no one else wants to do. Their ability to prioritise logic and reason over feelings gives them the confidence to take tough decisions.

practical and efficient

ISTPs are not creatures of habit or convention. Rather than falling in with the way things have always been done, they are eager to introduce ways to increase efficiency so that they will have even more time for their fascinating projects. Doing repetitive tasks is not their favourite way to pass the time, so they are likely to have developed a precise method for routines at work and for chores around the house.


difficulty making emotional connections

ISTPs are so accustomed to ignoring their feelings when considering strategies, making plans, and arriving at decisions that they sometimes forget that they even have feelings. They sometimes neglect to consider the feelings of others as well. This lack of awareness combined with their tendency to abbreviate their verbal communication can lead to the impression that they are impatient or even angry.

taking unnecessary risks

ISTPs get bored and are easily distracted without a good challenge to keep their mental juices flowing. At times they may even take unnecessary risks or place themselves in harm's way just to keep themselves engaged and interested.

unconventional learning style

Many successful ISTPs have had to make their own way in life without the benefit of a full, traditional education. They get bored and frustrated with classroom lectures and exams, which mostly deal with theoretical concepts. ISTPs are exceptionally good at figuring things out on their own and have been known to learn a great deal when self-motivated, but this independent learning does not always translate into diplomas and degrees.

rule breakers

It's important for an ISTP to know why they are required to follow rules and behave in certain ways. As independent thinkers, they are not easily influenced by what others think and want. Bending the rules and skirting regulations can eventually catch up with them and get them into trouble, or worse cause harm to those close to them.


ISTPs usually define a friend as a person with whom they engage in fun and interesting activities or share hobbies and interests. As ISTPs are very independent people, emotional bonds, loyalty, and commitments to help each other through hard times are not necessary parts of friendship. Episodic friendships come and go in an ISTP's life as their interests and activities change. The majority of these casual friends are fellow ISTPs.

ISTPs do need other types of people in their lives, but they don't often reach out. When they do, their bids for connection are so subtly different from those of feeling and intuitive types that they are often missed. Emotional connection with ISTPs may take time and persistence to develop, but it is worth the effort. ISTPs deeply cherish the rare individuals whom they entrust with their feelings and can become devoted friends when they decide that a relationship is worth building and maintaining. When ISTPs open up they often reveal a wild sense of humour. Undaunted by the trials and sorrows of life, they offer their friends strong support in difficult times.


ISTPs are most compatible with:
