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INTJ: The Architect

INTJs (introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging) see the world around them as one big complex puzzle they can solve. They tend to be ambitious and enjoy strategising using logic. They think big and strive towards their goals, but prefer to keep their visionary plans to themselves.


INTJs calculate the world around them and believe they can achieve anything if they just get the strategy right. They use vision and analysis to build the world they want. They often keep things private, and work things through in their mind rather than share them openly.

Rational and quick-witted, INTJs may struggle to find people who can keep up with their non-stop analysis of everything around them.

• They treat life as one big strategy game

• They have a thirst for knowledge

• They question everything

• They prefer quiet introspection over socialising



INTJs love self-improvement. They will set very high goals for themselves and their willingness to learn and improve will drive them on to achieve such goals.

creative and innovative

INTJs are usually very innovative and possess the ability to think about things in new ways. From understanding whatever problems exist, an INTJ is very effective at thinking up ideas to solve them.


INTJs are very self-motivated and able to strike out and act on their own. INTJs do not need much advice from others before being able to handle situations, and will often happily do things their own way.

strategic thinkers

INTJs are very effective at seeing the bigger picture with ideas. INTJs can analyse all the complicated parts of different plans, including any pitfalls, to find effective strategies to solve any problems.



INTJs have many strengths that center around their intelligence and self-confidence. This can lead to INTJs appearing over-confident or arrogant to others, especially when frustrated by other people's inability to understand certain concepts and ideas.

emotionally unavailable

INTJs often find it hard to express their emotions in an authentic manner. INTJs are thinkers and tend to focus on logic and facts over emotions. This can lead to INTJs seeming cold or distant when it comes to engaging emotionally with others.


We talked about INTJs being ambitious and setting high standards for themselves, however this can lead to INTJs being too critical of those around them when they fall short of the standards an INTJ has placed on them. This criticism is often unwarranted and over the top.

social withdrawal

INTJs, like most introverts, will naturally gravitate away from large gatherings. As introspective thinkers, INTJs don't find the trivial chit-chat of many social events of interest to them and will much prefer socializing with a small number of close friends.


INTJs enjoy close company, but socialising doesn't come naturally to them. Sometimes this can be frustrating to an INTJ; after all they can solve most problems so why do they find humans so difficult to 'solve'?

It may sometimes be hard to form friendships with INTJs as they can instantly seem disinterested or bored with small talk, especially in large gatherings. Known to often hold back a part of themselves, some people may never feel like they truly know some INTJs. However, once this shell is broken an INTJ can be one amazing loyal friend.

Perhaps the reason many INTJs are seen as aloof and independent is because they can see making friends as a complicated effort. When people understand the INTJ personality type, they can make lasting successful friendships.

INTJs have great sharp wit and intelligence that can make interactions with them extremely enjoyable. INTJs value small close friends over larger numbers. As INTJs have extremely analytical minds, they will often assess friendships to understand the value that person brings to their life, happy to drop contact if they do not meet their expectations.


INTJs are most compatible with:
