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Woman finding the importance of confidence at work

The importance of confidence at work: Seven ways to build your self-esteem 

Many of us have been there. You feel overwhelmed at work, the negative thoughts start rolling and you begin to ask yourself ‘am I good enough for this?’. The truth is you are most likely in the job you are meant to be in and got there because your employer could see your talents and abilities. 

Lack of confidence in the workplace is a common issue. According to Micro Biz Mag, 39% of people in the UK experience feeling bad at their jobs weekly, whilst 1 in 20 experience this daily. The article goes on to state that Google searches for ‘imposter syndrome’ have also risen by 511% since 2016. The figures are clear, many of us are experiencing self-doubt at work, and the truth is confidence is important to feel happy in the workplace. Success does take a certain level of confidence after all.  

But how can you overcome this? For many of us, our lack of self-esteem is ingrained and can stem back to childhood. Negative experiences as a youngster can knock your self-belief and cause issues down the line. For deep-rooted insecurities, it is best to seek a therapist for professional help, but the good news is there are some steps you can take every day to boost your confidence. 

1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

A lot of the time we avoid asking questions about things we’re unsure of as we don’t want to appear incompetent or bother others. The truth is asking questions takes courage and it can only positively affect your performance at work. A well-informed worker is a great worker. Sometimes it’s good to take a leap and get out of your comfort zone. 

2. Always celebrate your achievements

It’s important to be your own biggest fan. Get in the habit of celebrating the little, everyday achievements. Finished that assignment you’ve been struggling with? Buy yourself your favourite red velvet cupcakes. Spoke up in the big meeting and put forward your unique idea? Give yourself a pamper sesh!  

3. Fake it until you make it

The importance of confidence at work

It might sound silly, but one of the best ways to build your confidence is simply to act confident. Unfortunately, we can’t all be naturally confident people. For many of us, it must be learned. Putting yourself out there more can help you to realise what you’re capable of. 

Tell yourself positive affirmations and remind yourself of everything you’ve achieved. Think of how far you have come already and try to envision where you could be if you use confidence in your everyday life. However, there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness so always remember to stay grounded too!  

4. Encourage feedback

Although it can sometimes be a hard pill to swallow, it’s important to embrace constructive criticism from your colleagues. By making mistakes and getting feedback, you learn from the experience. Try to take it on the chin and keep a positive attitude where possible. Don’t be too hard on yourself. After all, you’re only human! 

5. List your daily tasks and cross them off throughout the day

When you look over your to-do list at the end of the working day, you’ll see everything you’ve carried out, which can give you a huge sense of achievement. This can also help you to realise that you’re doing more than you think, giving you a much-needed boost. 

6. Do your homework

Remember that you’re never too old to learn! If there’s an aspect of your job that you feel a bit shaky about, a good thing to do is to revise it. Read books, articles and how-to guides. Try following specialised accounts on Instagram and LinkedIn. You can even take up online classes in your free time or during work. All of these will help you to feel more prepared for your role. By immersing yourself in the right content, you will eventually absorb the key information you need for your job.  

7. Put yourself first  

Finally, the last step in boosting your confidence at work is to remember that it’s okay to put yourself first. Learning to say no when you need to and listening to what your mind and body need is a good step in the right direction, which can lead you to feel more put together in your work life. For more on putting yourself first, read here. 

How have you built confidence in your job? Is there anything we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below!  

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Written by Eliza Allen

Illustrated by Francesca Mariama