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How do I change careers

How do I change careers during a pandemic?

The pandemic has given people the opportunity to explore different career paths as it’s the perfect time to train and research into hobbies or ambitions you didn’t have the time to do before. 

For example, nothing should prevent you from starting your degree in Marketing if you dream of getting into the Marketing industry. However, many people think that starting a new course is time-consuming and not worth it, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Studying or implementing the plans to change your career for only six months can land you in a prosperous position for the next five years!

In this article, I’ll give you personal recommendations on how you can make that change through education and vocational activities. Now let’s get started!

Upskilling with education 

For certain careers, education is required. It can be the main asset for your career development and finding your dream job. However, its cost can be very off-putting. We tend to think of the traditional side of education, which comes with expensive university and college fees. However, I’m here to tell you that the education sector is evolving through cheap online services!


FutureLearn is a digital educational platform that offers a variety of degrees and courses that are recognised by several institutions, including the Open University and the Chartered Management Institute. You can pay £200 for the whole year and have access to many different courses. For some of FutureLearn’s courses, you may be required to pay an additional fee to receive the full credential. But for the most part, the majority are included in their £200 subscription.

I recently completed a management course with FutureLearn and found the whole experience really fun and interactive.

Alison and other cheaper options 

However, if you want to take small steps or can’t afford a £200 fee upfront, there are other cheaper alternatives. If you’re an indecisive person like me, I’d personally recommend Alison. All of its online courses are free and you only pay for the certificates you need (which start at £18). Alison also specialises in offering more vocational courses, which are quick, easy to complete and perfect for anyone who’s on the verge of switching careers but doesn’t want the financial commitment.

If neither of the above offer courses you’re interested in, have a look at Reed and UK Learn Pearson

How do I change careers

Taking the vocational route 

For a lot of people, the pandemic has put into perspective their career goals, job satisfaction and work-life balance. Many are considering their current skills and experience, and seeing where they can make improvements. 

If, for whatever reason, you’re not keen on upskilling with education, there are lots of free vocational activities that are being offered by local authorities. For instance, Croydon Council and Hammersmith Council offer free monthly business events and clinics. These can be found through local libraries and educational centres, and are hosted by business mentors and local entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, you might already have a growing business or venture and need more support. One business growth scheme that the government offers is the Kickstart Scheme, which allows the government to provide funding so employers can hire 16 to 24-year-olds on Universal Credit. The government covers 100% of the national minimum wage for six months, as well as employer National Insurance contributions and pension contributions. It’s a great way to build your business cost-efficiently. The scheme does end in December 2021 so get applying!

On a final note

Whether you want to upskill with education or have a budding business idea, I believe you should act now and take the necessary steps to make it your day-to-day. Even if that means making short-term sacrifices such as pay cuts or having less free time, think about the long-term benefits!

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions, please leave your comments below. I look forward to seeing you in my next career post!

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Written by Joyce Bosa

Illustrated by Francesca Mariama