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Dear younger me

Dear younger me: A letter to my past self

My dear.

If I could tell you all that you would encounter and what to avoid. All the lessons I could teach you early on in life. Every single heartache you will endure and how to steer clear of each and every one of them. If I could warn you of all those who will hurt you, and all the mistakes you would make so that you won’t cry as many tears at night.

Maybe if I could scream at you to do better, to open your eyes and see that the world is not black and white, but can also appear gray. Maybe you could maintain your innocence for a little longer. If I could tell you to stop hurting others and love them despite their different points of view so that parts of you would not strip away. Maybe if I could push you to take more risks, to dare to love without limitations.

I would.

I would give you all the secrets to avoid the negative moments and seasons that will infiltrate your life. But, I won’t. Because all of those negative moments that you will embark on will eventually turn into a life worth living and a story worth telling.

But my dear, I will not leave you without some advice…

Do something that scares you, and do it weekly

Whether that be speaking up for something while everyone else is silent. Daring to approach that boy you have been eyeing for the past week. Stand out while everyone else blends in. Say that statement that contradicts everything that this world applauds. Go out of your comfort zone! There is so much life in you not to be a little reckless. You will never reach your full potential playing it safe.


Laugh hysterically! Not the cute laugh that you see in those sappy romance movies. The loud, bellowing laugh that causes you to bend over in tears. That phrase that you hear often, “laughter is good for the soul”, is true. You are going to have some hard days my dear, but within those hard days…laugh. For laughter can ease your pain, even if it is just for a brief moment. Be silly, for silliness brings out so much joy.

Be alone

You are going to live in a couples world, and soon, you will be coupled too. However, take time to be alone. Spend time in the quietness of the moment. Rejoice in how far you have come and all that you have accomplished. Even if that accomplishment is just getting out of bed today. Sit by yourself and soak in the solitude. Find peace within those moments of loneliness.

Love and love a lot

Dear younger me

Love your family more, for they have sacrificed their world for you. I know, loving them can be hard, but do it anyway. Love your friends…and be mindful of the ones who are there for you, and there just to watch you. Choose your circle wisely my dear, for not everyone is there to cheer you on. But the few who are there to see you win, treasure them, for they are rare.

My dear, open your heart to the possibility of love more than once.

Playing it safe is not always the safe way, for getting hurt will teach you things about yourself that you would have never learned otherwise. There is a spark within you that will only be activated when someone tries to break you. It is then that you will realize you can certainly bend, but my dear, you cannot be broken.

Do not let your heart become hardened for this world will try to desensitize you. All those emotions that you feel, continue to feel them. Being able to feel does not make you weak, it makes you human. It makes you strong my dear. Embrace all the emotions that you are able to perceive.

Lastly, my dear, be bold and courageous

Just because you are quiet and gentle does not mean you can’t be bold. You are allowed to be soft, yet strong, fierce, yet fragile.

Continue to be authentic. For you are uniquely extraordinary. You are probably starting to figure out that you are not like the others. You see the world differently. The standards you hold are not like the rest. But that is okay. You were not meant to appear the same. One day, you will realize that, and when you do, everything will change.

In a few years, you will look up and see, the life you have lived so far has been a mess. But my goodness, what a beautiful mess it will become. I promise you.



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Written by Kendra Anderson 

Illustrated by Francesca Mariam