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5 ways to boss it during a pandemic

5 ways to boss it during a pandemic

The world is on lockdown, you’re in a state of confusion and constantly reading news articles in hopes of finding an end date. 

Let’s rewind to a few weeks ago where you were always on the go, focused on getting through your 9 to 5 and rarely taking out time for yourself. Now take a moment to think about all the times you’ve wanted to slow down and just reflect on where life was heading. Well, now’s your chance. 

Perhaps not in the way you envisioned, or anyone else for that matter, but nonetheless, we’ve all been gifted with the time to upskill, up-level and become the best possible you. It’s time to focus on being the high vibe babe you’re destined to be and boss it during the pandemic. 

1. Practice self-love 

Self-love is more than the occasional face mask and bubble bath. Self-love in the time of coronavirus is setting an intention to be and do more for yourself. A great way to kickstart things off is by journaling. This will help pinpoint your struggles and begin the healing process. Tackle that inner mean girl and write down all the negative things you say to yourself then flip it into a positive. Use positive affirmations that speak to you and jot down a self-love routine.

2. Acquire knowledge 

Knowledge is power and with so many resources at our disposal, why not learn something new? One way in which is to invest in an e-course. Not only do you have the time to spare but companies are using the pandemic to discount online courses. So get involved and start broadening your horizons. 

3. Build connections

5 ways to boss it during a pandemic

All the plans you used to put off and those weekends you were ‘too busy’ to commit to have probably got you in your feelings right about now. But lockdown doesn’t have to mean total seclusion. Call a friend, download the Houseparty app and join groups online. Once this pandemic is over, you’ll have built key relationships with likeminded people that you can always meet up with afterwards. 

4. Commit to your passion project

For all you entrepreneurs out there that were or are still working full-time jobs, it can be hard to put in the same amount of effort and get amazing results on both sides. Use this time to be consistent with your brand, whether that’s working with a life coach or even reaching out to professionals you can learn from. Commit to working on a yearly business plan that can set you ten steps ahead. Use this time to become the entrepreneur you’ve always dreamed of.

5. Get creative

As many of us have been consumed by mundane, everyday tasks, what chance do we actually get to be free-flowing and creative? Creativity is the light to your soul so why deny yourself it? Play with your makeup, get in the kitchen, start a blog, whatever your outlet is, get involved now. Learn to fail and use that to improve. Figure out what creativity is to you and spend time on it daily. 

This lockdown won’t be forever so how do you intend to get back out into the world? Wasted potential or a developed boss – I know which one I’m aiming for!

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Written by Sabrina Johnson

Illustrated by Francesca Mariama

Have you connected to this post but need support gaining clarity, motivation or confidence? Sabrina Johnson, founder of CEO Empress, has a personalised one-off Centred Empress session! Send her a message to find out more.