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2019 is the year to better yourself with these nine things

With 2019 already picking up pace, we’re all falling back into our routines, old and new. But we all need to remember that just like every other year, if we don’t have ourselves and our priorities in check, our goals are pretty much already down the drain. So what are nine things we could all do with a little more of in 2019?

Get some focus in 2019

Without any focus, your goals will eventually get lost in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day. What’s your why? If you haven’t already, come up with one or two overarching themes that all of your goals can sit under. Looking back, I made a lot of questionable decisions in 2018. So this year, one of my focus words is choice and making sure in every area of my life, I’m making choices that benefit me long term. This will in turn help me to make better financial, career, social and personal decisions.

More financial understanding

It could be one book, an article every once in a while, or following a social media page. (I follow @ThePennyPal on Instagram which I am so into.) Find a form of learning about finances that will keep you up to date and savvy on all things saving, budgeting, credit and investing. The more you know, the better decisions you will be able to make to rectify past choices, and be well informed for present and future ones. I think 2019 is the year we all really step up our financial game.

Another stream of income in 2019

If you find your spending, wishlists and future plans are beyond your current means, work on creating another stream of income in 2019. Websites and businesses like Taskrabbit and PeoplePerHour pay for your help and expertise. These can be great ways of making money on the side in your spare time. Also think about how you can turn your talents into a side hustle or small business, or read up on investing safely to bring you back returns. But make sure you do your research before handing over money.

An act of self-care

We all have busy and active day-to-day lives that can steal our health and energy. Before we know it we’re overtired, irritable and on the brink of a burn out by February. That’s why it’s so important to have one or two go-to activities that bring peace and feed your spirit. It can take some time to find out what these are, and could be anything from a bath, checking your morning routine, cooking your favourite meal, or writing a gratitude list. As long as it charges you back up! I tend to reach for skincare or yoga, but whatever it is, learn in 2019 to dedicate time to it at least once a week. Spending time with yourself shouldn’t be last on your list!

A reading habit

I can’t stress how important it is to read. You will thank yourself. Figure out what you like to read (I will more likely reach for non-fiction these days than a novel) but once you know what it is, reading will be a breeze. Libraries these days seem to be good with stocking up on recent releases and best sellers, so if you aren’t down for spending (books can be pricey!) I would stick to the old school route and hit your local library. Also give yourself a target number, something realistic but that will push you. I’m aiming for 15.

Develop health habits (you actually enjoy)

Remember you do not have to go to the gym, or spin class. You don’t have to go for runs, nor do you have to lift weights. If the trending workout is not for you, find something that is. There are so many types of exercise out there, something will work for you!

The only thing I truly advocate for all is sleep. If there is anything you take away from this, it’s that you absolutely need an environment and cues that will tell you it’s time to wind down. A skincare/ night time routine before bed is great. Once my brain registers rosehip oil it knows it’s time for bed! And one thing I’m trying to do is stop using my phone in bed but it’s a tough one to break.

Learn about yourself

I don’t think we’re encouraged enough to learn about ourselves; our personalities, character, strengths and flaws, and how to manage these in the ‘real world’. I’ve been reading about my Myers Briggs personality (INFJ), and have gained so much understanding about behaviours I’ve been displaying for years but didn’t fully grasp. Self reflection and awareness of how you identify with yourself and others will only help your relationships and give you more control over your behaviour this year.

Take a course/ get a qualification in 2019

May not be for everyone, but I truly believe in developing skills even after studying. There are plenty of genuine qualifications and courses you can gain that barely cost anything, and others that are more of an investment but will only help you get to wherever you want to be. Invest in yourself, and in something you’re curious about. Online platforms like Skillshare and FutureLearn are great resources if you want to add something interesting to your qualifications.

A hobby

And, maybe even most importantly, we all need something to do that has no strings attached to it. Something from which you expect no result, but you do it out of pure interest, curiosity or enjoyment. It’s so freeing to do something where there’s no expectation on quality or content. This could be a sport, a social activity or something you do alone, but it should be something you can take part in often and without inconvenience, and a good way to escape day to day, results driven work. It’s so important to recharge!

2019 is all about striving to exist at your highest potential, and no matter what your goals are, these are things that will keep you on track. Note: there’s no need to do everything! You may not like to read, or maybe money isn’t a particular focus for you this year. Whatever you choose will hopefully benefit you in some way.

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Written by Betsy Uchendu

Feature image illustrated by Francesca Mariama