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INTP: The Logician

INTPs (introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving) are highly reflective and will, more often than not, be deep in thought solving countless problems and puzzles in their mind. Highly analytical, INTPs will analyse every little thing they come across in a Sherlock Holmes-esque manner. Even after events, the INTP will think over past events and over-analyse things people said or how they acted. This constant thinking can sometimes turn negative and leave the INTP dissatisfied with their actions or lives.


INTPs are proud of their intelligent way of viewing the world. They have very often creative minds and thrive in the right academic environments suited to them. They are inquisitive by nature and can enjoy finding creative solutions to problems. INTPs can try to view situations from different perspectives and they are inclined to collect evidence which will help them identify the most logical decision. They are highly practical and are more likely to follow their mind rather than their heart.

INTPs are one of the rarest personality types and can be seen as quiet, or even a little guarded by some, but there is great depth to them which share with a select few people close to them.

• They seek logical solutions to their problems

• They will solve problems in unique ways

• They often lost in their thoughts

• Their curiosity may sometimes never be satiated


creative without restraint

INTPs are very open minded and won't always go with the obvious answers. They enjoy thinking through a problem and coming up with a solution that is the most logical. They are confident in their own intelligence but are always open to new ideas and readily listen to the people they trust. Many intelligent people fall into the trap of thinking their idea is the best one, but INTPs are always ready to absorb new information.


INTPs often find that their head leads over their heart in a lot of matters.

objectivity is key

They try to streamline their lives by doing things in the most efficient way. INTPs are great at identifying solutions that will help the most people. They tend to not get hung up on heart strings and weigh up the pros and cons of a decision before proceeding. They will more often than not like to side with reason and logic, even if they are aware that other people may not like their answer.


INTPs are pretty curious. They prefer to have multiple sources to support and back up their reasoning. They understand the value of information and ideas that already exist, but they are very often content to expand on these concepts, not necessarily in-depth either. INTPs are the types of people who research and then conduct their own experiments to confirm that something is true.


cold and calculated

INTPs are highly logical. While this can be a strength, it does have its drawbacks. INTPs can come off as callous and insensitive. They aren't always interested in information people can feel good about. At the end of the day, INTPs are interested in getting the most bang for their buck. They can feel a bit robotic and distant in their decision-making, even though their intentions are good.

frustrated perfectionist

INTPs are often accused of being obsessive-compulsive because they want everything to be perfect. They feel driven to improve on everything and can get frustrated when there's nothing to improve. INTPs strive for perfection, while also believing that everything can be better. This can create a frustrating loop without the INTPs realising it. To avoid this, it's better for INTPs to create goals based around task completion, rather than perfection.


INTPs want to surround themselves with people who they consider to be their intellectual peers. They don't have time to explain what they consider to be simple things. This can make it difficult to work with an INTP. They have high expectations and don't see why they should have to slow down in order for others to catch up. They see most things as easy to understand and they don't get why others struggle or fall behind. INTPs are reluctant teachers, and even when they do stop to explain something, they leave out things they assume the other person should know.

prison of the mind

INTPs have a strong desire to do things and complete tasks, but their own mind can get in the way. INTPs are day dreamers and get lost in their own thoughts. They can get stuck trying to look at all sides of a situation instead of coming up with an actual decision. This can lead to INTPs having severe anxiety and executive dysfunction around decision-making.


INTPs are introverted, but they do not avoid all social interactions. INTPs enjoy a close circle of friends that are carefully curated. INTPs might get accused of being too picky when it comes to making friends, but that's not really the case. They enjoy the company of people with a lot of emotional depth, and they approach friendships in a very practical manner.

They know what they want out of their relationships and are more interested in deep friendships than having a lot of acquaintances. Not everyone will meet their standards, but when they find someone who does the friendship is almost instantaneous.


INTPs are most compatible with:
