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Woman learning how to take outfit selfies with full-length mirror

How to take outfit selfies: Five tips on how to slay your pictures

From experimenting with outfits for a girls’ night out to then not knowing where to start for pictures, turning up to social media with the perfect outfit is something that’s constantly on our minds. 

It’s cool to make an effort but an outfit doesn’t have to be perfect to be goals. Once you dress to impress yourself, approach the camera with confidence and own your natural light. Taking outfit selfies may seem daunting but these five tips are picture-perfect for self-starters, giving your Instagram feed the glow up it deserves.

1.  Find good lighting to set up in 

You don’t need to be a professional photographer to tick this off your list. This first tip will set the canvas for your pictures so you can slay in the limelight. Making the most of natural light will give you the best shots. Do not shy away from the sun and be kind to yourself, so you have enough room to shine in. Avoid covering your face to keep out shadows, and to keep you as the main focus. 

If you want to slay your look indoors, you can use ring lights or adjust your lighting on your mobile phone. After taking your pictures, play around with hues and contrasts. The crop tool will also give you room to cut out bad lighting in corners. 

2.  Choose a full-length mirror to flatter your outfit 

When putting together an outfit for your feed, you want to be able to show it all off. Taking a full-length mirror selfie will reveal your entire look. Keep eye contact with the camera then feel free to pose with different facial expressions and body movements. The full-length mirror will give your outfit a professional frame without missing fashion pieces. You will also learn to love all of yourself.

3. Don’t forget to own your accessories 

Woman learning how to take outfit selfies with accessories

Never underestimate the power of your accessories. They are the final touch to your outfit, getting you ready for your day ahead or night out. Whether you choose to go for a classic finish with pearls or a bright finish with rainbow beads, your outfit will feel complete with them. Your phone camera won’t want to look away from them either, nor will your followers on your feed. 

4.  Invite friends for support

Once you’ve mastered the basics and are ready to slay your outfit, why not share the experience with your girls? Having a trusted friendship circle with you for support can make a big difference. They can help crown your confidence and light up your day. When your friends are there to cheer you on and exchange compliments, it will brighten up your whole experience. 

5.  Do not shy away from editing apps, use them!   

Influencers, fashion bloggers and even the best professional photographers incorporate photo editing tools so don’t feel bad for using them. Editing apps will enhance your selfie game so make use of them if your photos need polishing. The most rated editing apps include Adobe Photoshop Camera, Adobe Lightroom, Google Photos and Snapseed. They are there to help you edit like a pro. 

These five tips on taking outfit photos are the perfect touch up to your fashion photography routine. Feel free to share them with your friendship circle and sisterhood. Don’t hesitate in inspiring more outfit pictures! 

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Written by Nisha Patel

Illustrated by Francesca Mariama