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How to calm anxiety with yoga: Yes Gurl illustration of a girl doing yin yoga

How to calm anxiety with yoga: Join the yin revolution

As someone who often gets caught up in the chaos of the fast-paced modern world, I spend a lot of my time looking for methods to de-stress and unwind. My go-to method? Well, it’s usually my yoga mat. After having long practised dynamic vinyasa and sweaty bikram, it wasn’t until I discovered yin yoga, that I really found a way that you can manage your anxiety and melt away the stresses of modern life.

In a world that is always on the go and simply can’t slow down, developing a regular yin yoga practice is a great way to stay centred and keep anxiety at bay.

So, what exactly is yin yoga?

Yin yoga is a gentle, meditative style of yoga which is focused on finding stillness and increasing flexibility in the body. Unlike the more heart-pumping styles of yoga in which practitioners move swiftly from one pose to the next, in yin, yogis hold each pose for an extended length of time. Typically, this is 3-5 minutes, but you might see advanced yogis hanging out in a pose for up to 25 minutes at a time!

Yin yoga takes place sitting or lying down and targets the deep connective tissues of the body that are often missed in the dynamic ‘yang’ practices. The main focus for the yin yogi is staying still and surrendering to each pose. And if you’ve tried to sit with no distractions for any length of time, you’ll realise it’s a lot trickier than in sounds!

What can you gain from a regular yin practice?

How to calm anxiety: Yes Gurl illustration of a girl doing yin yoga

Practising yin yoga comes with a wealth of benefits including increased flexibility and improved concentration. But the thing that makes it particularly beneficial is its ability to reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Yin yoga is similar to mindfulness in that it teaches practitioners to stay present and cultivate stillness in the mind and body. It is so much more than just a physical practice. It is a reflective, introspective journey into your deeper self.

So, how can you calm anxiety with yin yoga?

1. It teaches you to find comfort within discomfort

When you first settle into a yin posture, it’s not uncommon to experience some discomfort that may give you the urge to fidget or readjust. Resisting these urges will be tricky at first, but you’ll soon realise that the more you resist them, the less these urges will crop up.  

Practising yin yoga teaches you how to remain still and centred in times of discomfort. It helps you learn to endure the challenges life throws at you. Instead of viewing these challenges as something to be avoided, you can view them as something that will allow you to learn and grow. Whether you are experiencing stresses at work or in your relationship, developing a regular yin practice will be one way to stress less.

2. It’s a good way to shed emotional baggage

Our bodies are home to emotions, memories and traumas that get stored over time. When you journey deep into the body, it’s only natural for these old emotions to come to the surface. Don’t be alarmed if you see a yogi having a little cry during a yin class – this is a good thing! It simply means that these built-up emotions are being released.

Yin yoga offers you the chance to work through uncomfortable emotions and calmly observe them melting away into the atmosphere. Even just one yin class can leave you feeling much lighter and baggage free, so imagine how you’ll feel after months of regular practice!

3. It anchors you to your breath

One way your yoga instructor might encourage you to stay focused during a yin class is through observing your breath. The breath is a great tool in yoga to calm anxiety. When you bring your attention to the breath, you empty your mind of any distractions – the day ahead, the pressing things on your to-do list, the dispute you’ve had with a colleague – and remain in the present moment. And the more you practise living in harmony with your breath, the easier it will become to remain calm and peaceful no matter what turmoil is happening around you.

4. It teaches you to accept things the way they are

Anxiety can be worsened by the pressures of everyday life. In a world where everyone always seems to be competing, it’s not uncommon to get hung up on this notion of not being “enough.” But yin yoga teaches you to let go of these expectations of yourself, of others, and of your situation in life, and simply accept things as they are.

In yoga, we all have physical limitations. It’s unlikely that you will step onto the mat for the first time and be able to touch your toes. But yin yoga teaches you that it’s nothing to stress about. Yin yoga is all about finding your edge and hanging out there. It’s about celebrating, honouring and rejoicing in your bodies’ limitations. Rather than striving for perfection, why not welcome your imperfections in all of their glory?

So, what are your waiting for? Grab your yoga mat and join the yin revolution!

And if you’re not sure where to start, here are some of my favourite yin yoga tutorials that will be sure to calm anxiety and melt away your stresses:

  1. Alo Yoga: Mindful Yin with Josh Kramer
  2. Yoga with Kassandra: Yin Yoga for Beginners
  3. Cat Meffan: Full Body Yin Yoga

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Written by Hannah Hussein

Illustrated by Francesca Mariama