If you’re stressed, whether by your job or something more personal, the first step to feeling better is to identify the cause. Once you’ve done this, find the strength to take control of the situation. In life there’s always a solution to every problem so taking action will put you back in control. Here are five ways I’ve put together for you to stress less.
You do you
Its easy to get caught up in the comparison game. Whether its with our friends or strangers on social media. Its easy to see people living apparently perfect, happy and sparkly lives and feel like we are lagging behind. This can have a massive impact on our mood and stress levels. It’s helpful to remember that you’re only seeing the highlights of other peoples lives! Unfollow people who make you feel like you aren’t doing well enough. Take the pressure off, we are all on our own journey.
Seek support
If stress is being caused by an issue you are struggling with then seek some help. It’s courageous to speak up and say you are finding things difficult. Whether it’s needing to see a therapist or getting some financial advice. When we feel supported our stress has a way of melting away.
Self care strategies
Make a list of all the things you know help you feel chilled and cared for. Self care is not always pretty, it might involve setting an hour aside to let tears flow or punching some pillows to release some pent up frustration. Know the things that work for you so when a period of stress hits you have a well stocked tool kit of things to try.
Start a sister circle
Rally your girls and carve out regular time to meet and sit together and hold space for each other to talk about issues and feelings. No advice giving is needed, just space and a loving presence. Get ready for all the warm and fuzzy feels!
You’re worth it
Look after yourself as if you were a child who was having a hard time. Sometimes when stress rears it’s ugly head so does our internal critic which can make it hard to be kind to ourselves. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eat food that is going to support your body and tell yourself often that you are ace.
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Written by Caroline Fearns
Illustrated by Francesca Mariama